Our newest plugin! Introducing Portfolio Framework: http://t.co/wa6GyLX5
Our newest plugin! Introducing Portfolio Framework: http://t.co/wa6GyLX5
Excellent front end performance case study on GitHub. Good read for devs looking to *decrease* load time on sites. http://t.co/AdXZhOc8
Grunt: a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects – http://t.co/CTbu4F9D
NodeJS, Socket.io and NginX — this one seems to work so far… http://t.co/uBnbPSVB http://t.co/hfaavbXX
This points out how to install and configure a ‘tcp’ module for nginx which will allow it to proxy websocket connections to multiple backend servers.
Tiny, cheap, and dangerous: Inside a (fake) iPhone charger… http://t.co/SdaLbAPR
Cute! An adventure game in your browser designed to teach you how to use the vim text editor. The first two levels are a good start. Hoping to see more in the future.
Transform an image into a valid QR code.
“Cubism.js is a D3 plugin for visualizing time series. Use Cubism to construct better realtime dashboards, pulling data from Graphite, Cube and other sources.”