Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Monthly Archives: August 2014

Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 |

Back in the 80s and early 90s, animated graphics were mostly very low-res. Computers and graphics cards just didn’t have the oomph needed to animate hi-resolution pictures with lots of colors, and they could only display 256 different colors on the screen simultaneously, indexed from a larger palette of available colors. But clever programmers realized that by modifying the index table, a sort of poor-man’s animation could be achieved. Some took this to a whole new level, creating motion and atmospheric effects that were quite impressive.

Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 |


p5 takes inspiration from the Processing environment, but is made for JavaScript and the browser. Unlike processing.js, p5 embraces JavaScript’s loose typing, and allows interaction with the DOM and other browser functions.
