The handful of you who have actually visited my site before will notice that I’ve finally upgraded my site. I’m now running on a 1.0+ version of WordPress. I’m using a minimally modified stock template (I added a few things to the menu area), and I’m working on some new CSS stylesheets. I still need to add back the “last visited” hack, and one day when I’ve finished the current style and created some new ones, I’ll add a style switcher.
![[screenshot of extra features in advanced browsers]](
Advanced browsers can view extra features, such as icons indicating external links.
Those of you visiting with Internet Explorer are missing out on some nifty visual baubles. You should join all the cool kids and upgrade to Mozilla, Firebird, or Opera. Advanced browsers can view extra features, such as icons indicating external links, and other graphical accents.
As I mentioned before, the current stylesheet is a work under construction, so expect things to change, and watch for falling rocks!