Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Monthly Archives: November 2007

VPS Recommendations?

I’m looking for a Virtual Private Server host. The server I’m currently on is woefully underpowered for the handful of sites I running (on the plus side, it’s been free), and it’s high time that I moved my stuff to a box that’s up to the task. Ideally, I’d like the following features: Virtual Private Server with at least 1GB of RAM (preferably with root access within my instance). SSH shell access. Decent monthly bandwidth … Continue reading

Easy Gravatars version 1.1

My Easy Gravatars plugin is now in the WordPress Plugin Directory, and I’ve released version 1.1. Changes: Gravatar images now link to comment author’s URL, if provided. Gravatar code now prepended to text instead of appended. Added stylesheet for options page and improved layout. Split options into ‘General’ and ‘Advanced’. New advanced option for selecting either ‘Comment Author Link’ or ‘Comment Text’ API hook. When time allows, I’m going to try to add support for … Continue reading

Easy Gravatars with Google Analytics Plugin

Several people have reported problems using my Easy Gravatars plugin together with Joost de Valk’s Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress. I spent some time looking over the code yesterday and found the conflict. I sent a patch to Joost, and he has released version 1.4 of his Google Analytics plugin. I hope to release a new version of Easy Gravatars with some new features sometime next week, as well.