Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Monthly Archives: December 2007

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-13

The Yahoo! Shortcuts Plugin for WordPress looks pretty kickass. Great job, guys! # Just used our eye-tracker to participate in a study on web typography. # Powered by Twitter Tools.


You might have already noticed, but I finally hopped onto the Twitter bandwagon. You can see my latest tweets in the sidebar (it’s the “What I’m Doing” section), and I currently have it auto-posting a daily summary here on the blog (courtesy of the Twitter Tools plugin for WordPress). I’m not sure if I’ll continue that or not, though. Of course, if you are also on Twitter, you can just follow my tweets with whatever … Continue reading

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-11

Hmm… Here’s a new (to me?) webdev teamup: # Finally got my PHP SOAP to generate XML that the .Net service could consume: $client->_namespace = ‘WhateverItSaidInTheWsdl’ # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Twitter Updates for 2007-12-10

Watching the baby while my wife is at a job interview. # Finally made to the the office a little while ago. Had to drop my car off at the dealership for "Check Engine" diagnosis. :-/ # Need help getting PHP PEAR SOAP client to talk to a .NET service. The server end doesn’t seem to see the parameters my client is sending. # Powered by Twitter Tools.