For a while now, I’ve had an email signup form in the sidebar (look, over there on the right), and a few people have taken advantage of it. This allows you to receive an email notification whenever there are new posts here on my blog. Until now, these emails have been driven by FeedBurner. However, I’ve now moved them over to MailChimp.
This will give me more control over the formatting of the emails (I hope my subscribers will agree that the new emails are more attractive). And I’ll also have the ability to send “one-off” emails, not directly tied to a blog posting. I don’t have any current plans to do that, but should the need ever arise, I will at least have the option.
Those of you previously subscribed may receive one or two messages in duplicate (a message from Feedburner, and another from MailChimp). Once I’m sure everything is working as planned, I’ll turn off the Feedburner emails.
If you are not already an email subscriber, now’s your chance! Use the handy-dandy form, then confirm your opt-in request when it arrives in your mailbox.
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