Monthly Archives: July 2012
Lightning Fast WordPress with Redis as a Frontend Cache
This post by Jim Westergren shows how to use Redis and a couple of PHP scripts to set up a blazing-fast page-cache with WordPress.
Learning Git in 15 Minutes: a great introduction to Git –
Instagram: BBQ Ribs
Instagram: Smokin some ribs!
@dougal #FTW. the plugin will let you generate PHP to add to your theme if you don’t want to keep the plugin 🙂
Piklist: Rapid Development Framework for WordPress.
Piklist is a “rapid development framework” for WordPress. By abstracting out the creation of custom post types, meta boxes, settings pages, widgets, etc., you get rapid prototyping and development of plugin features. Also, it can create relationships between any post types, taxonomies, and user meta for complex data modeling.
JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
Validate and prettify your JSON data.