Pantheon, long known as a platform provider for Drupal hosting, has now added official support for WordPress, as well. Pantheon provides a scalable web platform with devops-friendly dashboards and tools for deployment and management.
The first and most obvious thing we did was ensure the platform was WordPress-friendly. This is the only piece of work that wasn’t on our roadmap already, but luckily it wasn’t very hard. The requirements for running Drupal vs. WordPress are quite similar.
The upside is that WordPress developers can expect tuned and friendly configurations for php, nginx, Varnish, mysql and Redis, with a stock set of Plugins to make the most of everything the platform has to offer.
Interestingly, Pantheon already had a CLI (Command-Line Interface) tool called Terminus for managing services, which they originally implemented as a drush extension (drush is the “drupal shell”, a CLI for Drupal). In modifying their platform for WordPress support, they rewrote it as a stand-alone tool, borrowing a lot of ideas from wp-cli in the process.
We actually borrowed quite a lot from the wp-cli toolkit in this refactor. Our library code was largely portable from Drush, but we took their object structure and docstring-parsing magic, which is pretty strong stuff. As a result, we have a more robust CLI tool to build off in the future.
If you’re interested, they offer a free account to let you check things out (no custom domain on the free level). Paid offerings begin at just $25/month.
(I have no affiliation with Pantheon, if anyone is wondering)
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