This could come in handy. For something. Somewhere. Tunnel TCP protocols (like, say, SSH) over HTTP. Useful to bypass a restrictive layer-7 firewall.
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GNU Octave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open source, free alternative to MATLAB.
chjj/tty.js · GitHub
If you are in an environment that makes it difficult to get a normal SSH connection to your server, but allows HTTP (e.g., restrictive network), this could be useful. As long as you are careful about security when you set it up.
Intern: A next-generation JavaScript testing stack
Intern is a new testing framework for JavaScript which attempts to combine the best features of many other testing tools. It supports multiple test styles (BDD, TDD, Object), works both client and server-side, and has support for many popular tools (grunt, Travis CI, Selenium) baked in.
Dustjs is a format agnostic JavaScript template engine.
This looks pretty amazing for debugging JavaScript.
A Python 3 interpreter in the browser (written in JavaScript), adapted for the web, with access to the DOM and events. Local Variable Debugging with see.js
With see.js, you can examine JavaScript variable state within any scope, including closures. Also includes an object pretty printer that can be used independently.
Collaborative interviews with code editor, video and voice | Codassium
“WebRTC based video chat + code editor = Awesome interviews”
Collaborative interviews with code editor, video and voice | Codassium
Sublime Tunnel of Love: How to Edit Remote Files With Sublime Text via an SSH Tunnel | Limina.Log
Edit files on a remote server in Sublime Text 2. I actually use the SFTP extension for this, and it integrates filesystem navigation directly into ST2, but it’s good to have options.
Sublime Tunnel of Love: How to Edit Remote Files With Sublime Text via an SSH Tunnel | Limina.Log