“Crossfilter is a JavaScript library for exploring large multivariate datasets in the browser. Crossfilter supports extremely fast (<30ms) interaction with coordinated views, even with datasets containing a million or more records."
Blog Archives
D3.js - Data-Driven Documents
bl.ocks.org - about
bl.ocks is like JSFiddle, but you host the code as GitHub gists.
DailyJS: Windows and Node: PowerShell
I hope I never need this. But if you ever need to run node.js under Windows, here’s a primer on PowerShell which might be useful.
One-stop shopping for open government data.
Peity • progressive pie charts
Want to turn inline data into mini charts? Piety is a jQuery plugin which will create tiny pie, line, and bar charts using the canvas element.
How to make the 1st image you upload into your WordPress post the ‘featured image’ by default: http://t.co/98RDW4fY
On WordPress theme options – A quick guide: http://t.co/DWeobs8u .. and a more in-depth tutorial: http://t.co/F44U2SGq
On WordPress theme options – A quick guide: http://t.co/DWeobs8u .. and a more in-depth tutorial: http://t.co/F44U2SGq
Announcing Easy Graphs (WordPress plugin for incorporating pie, bar and line charts in posts) http://t.co/u6selqKg