WordPress 3.4 Release Candidate 1: http://t.co/n6JEoXyz
Blog Archives
Just posted: WordPress is Nine. Happy Birthday WordPress! http://t.co/eBbg82qZ
Do you need an idea for #genesiswp plugin? See this: http://t.co/7fSrDX4b
Codiqa - the jQuery Mobile Prototype Builder
Rapid prototyping for jQuery Mobile.
Hell. Yes.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Caching http://t.co/ceoKWju7 (Good overall info for devs)
Portfolio Slideshow Pro 1.6.2 is out—mostly minor bug fixes. Check the changelog here: http://t.co/1GixFjdC
How Web Maps Work - macwright.org
If you ever need to implement a tiled map on your own (a la Google Maps), this article would be a good place to start. It describes all the basics of how the relationship between tile coordinates and lat/long coordinates should be handled, at a high level.
CSS Hat translates layer styles to CSS3 code
Photoshop extension that converts layer styles to CSS3.
Brackets is an open source code editor from Adobe, written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.