Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

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Jason Client

“Jason is a scriptable iOS client that lets you view and interact with any data and any server, in any way you desire.” Basically, you feed it a JSON config file which describes a UI and data sources. The client then consumes those sources and displays them according to your UI definition. And you get access to device-native APIs, too.

Jason Client


chartd makes it easy to include charts (either png or svg) on your web site, by just passing parameters in the URL of an img tag. For simple charts, this will be easy-peasy to automate. Of course, the downside is the same as for any other time that you let a third-party service have responsibility for your content — what if they shut down the service? 

chartd – responsive, retina-compatible charts with just an img tag

Underscores Components – Custom starter themes for faster WordPress theme development

“Components is a library of shareable, reusable patterns for WordPress themes. Instead of starting from scratch, mix and match from a collection of pre-made components to build your own custom starter theme.” Online tool from Automattic which can generate a variety of starter themes based on Underscores and Components, ready for you to customize.

Underscores Components – Custom starter themes for faster WordPress theme development