An extensive list of links to sites, articles, and tools for mobile web development.
Mobile Web Resources | Mobile Web Best Practices
Tags: mobile, webdev, iphone, development
An extensive list of links to sites, articles, and tools for mobile web development.
Mobile Web Resources | Mobile Web Best Practices
Tags: mobile, webdev, iphone, development
An SSL-capable man-in-the-middle proxy, scriptable in python
Tags: mitmproxy, mitmdump, http, proxy, maninthemiddle, ssl, debugging, tools, webdev, python
How to use JSDOM and Weld as a templating solution in JavaScript, both server-side and client-side.
Tags: templates, javascript, js, weld, jsdom, nodejs, node, webdev
Create custom buttons for the Bootstrap framework.
Beautiful Buttons for Twitter Bootstrappers
Tags: bootstrap, twitter, frameworks, buttons, css, webdesign, webdev, tools
A generative font created by averaging a bunch of other fonts. The result is surprisingly pleasing, looking like a thickly-inked letterpress.
Tags: fonts, free, typography, averia, generative webdesign
Server-side javascript HTML/DOM templates.
Tags: node, javascript, js nodejs, weld, templates, dom, jsdom, html
Tiny ARM-based linux pc geared as a HTPC, for about $35. WANT.
Raspberry Pi | An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte!
Tags: want, hardware, raspberrypi, mediapc, htpc, linux, arm, tiny, video
Patterns and antipatterns in JavaScript.
JavaScript pattern and antipattern collection
Tags: javascript, patterns, programming, webdev, js, jquery, antipattern,
Use a second computer (Mac or Windows) as an additional external monitor for your Mac.
Tags: mac, windows, osx, lion, monitors, screenrecycler, utils, vnc, remote
This Firefox extension will analyze the CSS for a page (or even spider a whole site) and tell you which selectors are used and unused.
New Firefox Plugin : CSS-Roundup 1.0 AKA Dust-me Selectors | Mind of M1m1k
Tags: firefox css analysis selectors utils extensions addons cssroundup