Sample code for how to manage installing/upgrading options for your WordPress plugins and themes.
Install and upgrade functions for plugins and themes
Tags: wordpress, plugins, themes, webdev, coding, installation, upgrades, bestpractices
Sample code for how to manage installing/upgrading options for your WordPress plugins and themes.
Install and upgrade functions for plugins and themes
Tags: wordpress, plugins, themes, webdev, coding, installation, upgrades, bestpractices
I already had some of these bookmarked, but I need to check out the other sites in this list of git tutorials.
Top 10 Git Tutorials for Beginners
Tags: git, sourcecontrol, versioncontrol, scm, rcs, tutorials
Good article about nonces, how to create and use them to secure your form actions.
A Guide to Nonce | Tyler Egeto v2
Tags: webdev, development, programming, security, nonce
How tap tap tap used social media, built up anticipation, and launched The Heist, knocking Angry Birds out of the top spot.
tap tap tap ~ Heisting the App Store: 500,000 Paid Downloads in 1 Week
Tags: iphone, apps, games, marketing, sales, theheist
Good article about what goes into the early design stages of an iPhone app.
Tags: iphone, apps, development, design, ux, process, appdev, prototyping
Memo to myself: Firefox 4 won’t use @font-face fonts unless they are served from the same hostname+domain, or unless the fonts are served up with a special header indicating that the font can be loaded cross-domain. In other words, if you serve fonts from your CDN, Firefox won’t load them.
Cross domain workaround for @font-face and Firefox | Geoff Evason
Tags: fontface, css3, fonts, typography, firefox, cross-browser, cross-domain
Otto provides a good breakdown of how to use the built-in image and gallery handling of WordPress. I need to reference this and beef up the appropriate parts of my Formattd theme.
Photo Gallery Primer » Otto on WordPress
Tags: wordpress, gallery, images, themes, templates, webdev
Rather cool site with a free mathematics software for learning geometry and algebra. Browser/Java-based, with ability to run offline.
Tags: geogebra, geometry, algebra, math, tools, education, learning
“PhantomJS is a headless WebKit with JavaScript API. It has fast and native support for various web standards: DOM handling, CSS selector, JSON, Canvas, and SVG.”
PhantomJS: Headless WebKit with JavaScript API
Tags: browsers, javascript, js, testing, webkit, headless, automation, scripting, screenscraping, webdev
“JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes, subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices that non-expert JavaScript programmers may encounter on their endeavours into the depths of the language.”
Tags: javascript, webdev, languages, js, programming