A historical retrospective of various CSS text/image replacement techniques, with notes about the pros and cons of each.
Blog Archives
most.js: Monadic Reactive Streams
Yet another library bringing functional programming concepts to JavaScript. The most.js library lets you handle events like a stream, allows you to compose streams, etc.
Paul Ford: What is Code? | Bloomberg
Paul Ford lays out a thoughtful article/interactive experience trying to explain to the layperson, “what is code?”. It also delves a little into management of software development via a fictional (I hope) project. It’s long, but I encourage folks to set aside some time and go through it, whether or not you know anything about computer programming. It’s fun!
Writing a Non-blocking JavaScript Quicksort - Jimmy Breck-McKye
Implementing a non-blocking quicksort in JavaScript to avoid sorts that run too long, freezing the browser (particularly in IE8). Also: browser timer resolution is only 4ms (or more)? That’s *forever* in CPU time!
Writing a Non-blocking JavaScript Quicksort – Jimmy Breck-McKye
Bourbon Neat
“Neat is a semantic grid framework built on top of Sass and Bourbon. It is simple enough to get you up and running in minutes, and powerful enough to handle any responsive layout you can dream of.”
Bourbon - A Lightweight Sass Tool Set
A library of sass mixins to simplify CSS.
We have a problem with promises
I have a loose grasp on Promises in JavaScript — I can use them for many simple use-cases. I need to spend some time reading this article over and over, and using them more in real-world code until I grok them.
Entity Code - A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Entities Codes
Great quickref site for finding entity codes of common symbols (copyright, trademark, euro, etc.)
Entity Code – A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Entities Codes
Ghostlab lets you perform advanced debugging (DOM inspection, JavaScript debugging) on multiple devices and browsers, simultaneously. Slick!
Bootstrap Zero - Free Bootstrap Themes and Templates
Free, open source themes for Bootstrap, for a less Bootstrap-y look.