There are some pretty good pointers in this list of resources. Highlights for me are “Callback convention – with Promise Support” and “The Twelve-Factor Application”.
Underscores Components – Custom starter themes for faster WordPress theme development
“Components is a library of shareable, reusable patterns for WordPress themes. Instead of starting from scratch, mix and match from a collection of pre-made components to build your own custom starter theme.” Online tool from Automattic which can generate a variety of starter themes based on Underscores and Components, ready for you to customize.
Underscores Components – Custom starter themes for faster WordPress theme development
Running two copies of Slack

A coworker wanted to run two separate copies of Slack on the Mac, so that he could watch updates from two different Teams at the same time. Personally, I just use the native multi-Team support in the app, but I can see how this would be useful. One answer is to use this command from the Terminal:
open -n /Applications/
Bone Up on Your Multiplication Skills | Hackaday
Scottish mathematicians are cool. Also, this led me to look up Lattice Multiplication, which is being taught in Common Core. But I think the Genaille-Lucas rulers were probably the coolest bit. Pre-calculate smaller pieces of a multiplication/division problem, use a little modulus magic, and large problems become a breeze.
WordPress, PHP7, and Updates via php-ssh2
TL;DR: If you use the php-ssh2 extension for your WordPress core / theme / plugin updates, you might want to wait a little longer before upgrading to PHP 7.
Continue reading \\ creative code sketches
A series of arty generative art “doodles”.
Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined.
Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code is not only free, but it’s now Open Source. And available for Windows, OSX, and Linux.
It's going to be okay. - The Oatmeal
A rare, serious, biographical comic from The Oatmeal. Go read it — it’s really good food for thought.
React Cheat Sheet
Online, searchable cheat-sheet for the ReactJS API.