Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Underscores Components – Custom starter themes for faster WordPress theme development

“Components is a library of shareable, reusable patterns for WordPress themes. Instead of starting from scratch, mix and match from a collection of pre-made components to build your own custom starter theme.” Online tool from Automattic which can generate a variety of starter themes based on Underscores and Components, ready for you to customize.

Underscores Components – Custom starter themes for faster WordPress theme development

Running two copies of Slack

A coworker wanted to run two separate copies of Slack on the Mac, so that he could watch updates from two different Teams at the same time. Personally, I just use the native multi-Team support in the app, but I can see how this would be useful. One answer is to use this command from the Terminal:

open -n /Applications/