An introduction to some of the new JavaScript features in ES6 (now called ES2015), with code examples comparing common ES5 patterns to the new ES6 equivalents.
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Dougal’s GitHub Gists
- Let's Encrypt renewal with haproxy
- A perl script to split WordPress WXR export files into multiple, smaller files
- Set terminal title in bash
- Multiline strings in JavaScript
- Keybase verification
- Really get an object's type in JavaScript
- Bookmarklet: allow tabs in textareas (requires jQuery) Create a toolbar bookmark with this code. Click it when you want to be able to use tabs in a textarea.
- Example of driving an Adafruit NeoPixel Ring with the Digispark Arduino-compatible board maximus
A Rant
Once upon a time, before the Facebooks and Twitters and Reddits and MySpaces, there was Usenet. And on Usenet, flaming and trolling was an art form. It wasn’t just a bunch of angry, shocking, monkeys on keyboards. Trolls were subtle. Flames were eloquent and surgically precise.
Then in the early 90s, they opened the internet up to the general public, and it became Amateur Hour. Newcomers, with no knowledge of the existing culture, nor the patience to observe and absorb it, saw these writings and mistook them for Righteous Anger. And they got it into their heads that the Way Of The Net was to spout off whatever idiotic thought that crossed your mind, because that person will never be able to get back at me and Free Speech, Murica!