Simple, but really nice looking web form treatment for entering credit card details, done in CSS3, with no images.
RT @irrg: “Bic for Her” pens, via @vandeand. What happens on Amazon when you introduce a stupid product:
Blambot Comic Fonts and Lettering
Many awesome comic lettering fonts (this ain’t your grandma’s Comic Sans).
@joshleo That’s the standard WordPress gallery shortcode + @dougal’s FancyBox Gallery plugin:
The WordPress dev chat is later this afternoon. Two tickets I’m excited about: &
The WordPress dev chat is later this afternoon. Two tickets I’m excited about: &
» CSS Trick: Turning a background image into a clickable link – Take 2
This is probably a better technique than the old ‘text-indent: -9999px’ version, because it keeps the virtual canvas size more more reasonable. Apparently, on iPad, the very large indent causes performance problems, even though the text isn’t being rendered.
» CSS Trick: Turning a background image into a clickable link – Take 2
How to wait for 2+ asynchronous responses on NodeJS (CommonJS Promises) | Erick Ruiz de Chavez
Q is an implementation of Promises for JavaScript. It is a system for handling sequential execution of code in an asynchronous environment, for when execution of one function needs to wait for the results of another.
How to wait for 2+ asynchronous responses on NodeJS (CommonJS Promises) | Erick Ruiz de Chavez
Pretty sweet un-blur colorize photo viewer thing by @bennettfeely on @codepen :
Camera Pi – DSLR Camera with Embedded Computer
This photographer embedded a RaspberryPi into a battery grip on his DSLR camera. He even worked up a battery power supply using an old iPhone car charger. Sweet hack.