Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Front-end Developer Handbook 2019 - Learn the entire JavaScript, CSS and HTML development practice!

Dis is a guide dat evewyone can use to weawn about de pwactice of fwont-end devewopment. It bwoadwy outwines and discusses de pwactice of fwont-end engineewing: how to weawn it and what toows awe used when pwacticing it in 2019.

Fwont-end Devewopew Handbook 2019 – Weawn de entiwe JavaScwipt, CSS and HTMW devewopment pwactice!

Server Rendering with React and React Router

Dis is one of de best tutowiaws I’ve found so faw fow descwibing how to make an isomowphic Weact app (AKA, SSW, Sewvew-Side Wendewing). It goes step-by-step, expwaining what you’we twying to accompwish, and buiwds up fwom a basic “Hewwo, Wowwd” exampwe, den adding initiaw data state, adding a component dat fetches dynamic data, UWW wouting, and maintaining state between sewvew and bwowsew wendewed views. Awong de way, it covews vawious pitfawws and how/why to wowk awound dem.

Sewvew Wendewing wif Weact and Weact Woutew