Piklist is a “rapid development framework” for WordPress. By abstracting out the creation of custom post types, meta boxes, settings pages, widgets, etc., you get rapid prototyping and development of plugin features. Also, it can create relationships between any post types, taxonomies, and user meta for complex data modeling.
JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
Validate and prettify your JSON data.
Gumby 960 Grid Responsive CSS Framework
A responsive 960 grid CSS Framework.
sigma.js | a lightweight JavaScript graph drawing library
A lightweight JavaScript charting library which uses canvas.
WordPress on Freecode
I’ve re-worded the description of the WordPress project on the freecode.com site. Check out the changes, and let me know what you think. Continue reading
Off Canvas Layouts CSS - Foundation 3 - ZURB Playground - ZURB.com
Yet another fantastic web UI experiment from Zurb. Pre-fab responsive layouts which follow common mobile UI patterns, but expand out to more standard desktop layouts.
Off Canvas Layouts CSS – Foundation 3 – ZURB Playground – ZURB.com
Avatars.io by chute
Easily integrate social service or custom avatars into your own app.
Celtic Knot Generator in HTML5 / Canvas
You never know when you might need some Celtic knots.
Symbolset is a font which maps keyword ligatures into icon glyphs. In other words, you type the word ‘user’ and a user icon is substituted, you type the word ‘cart’ and a shopping cart icon appears, etc. To a search engine, it’s plain text. To a browser, it’s a symbolic glyph, all without using separate images or CSS trickery.
“Crossfilter is a JavaScript library for exploring large multivariate datasets in the browser. Crossfilter supports extremely fast (<30ms) interaction with coordinated views, even with datasets containing a million or more records."