RT @Rarst: WP file size tree map, came up in discussion on WPSE where the fat is http://t.co/Kobt6LHs
Building a Login System in Node.js and MongoDB | The choreography of color and code
Breakdown of building a registration and authentication system on node.js and mongodb.
Building a Login System in Node.js and MongoDB | The choreography of color and code
#Wow. Some of these free WordPress themes are better than some premium counterparts http://t.co/37dYXLsq
Nginx, SPDY, and Automattic http://t.co/GsVFlss9
The Module Pattern, A Little More Detail - macwright.org
Basics of the module pattern for JavaScript object encapsulation and inheritance.
Psychedelic dance video that puts me in a fine mood http://t.co/iBPlEkNj
Pandora FMS - the Flexible Monitoring System
Alternative to Nagios and Cacti recommended by a sysadmin friend I trust.
Zeros in JavaScript
Tables showing the results of the ‘==’, ‘===’, ‘+’, and ‘*’ operators on various data types in JavaScript, including special ones like ‘undefined’, ‘null’, ‘NaN’, and ‘Infinity’.
This might help you debug a head-scratcher one day.
xip.io: wildcard DNS for everyone
xip.io is a special DNS service which can allow you to test virtual hosts from other devices on your internal network (say, iPads, phones, etc). The use-case might be if you have multiple vhosts on a single IP address (e.g.,, so just plugging the IP into your URL bar won’t get you the correct vhost.
This would allow you to test the vhosts from devices that don’t have hosts files, without having to set up your own internal DNS server.
krunch (0.0.2): http://t.co/6l6oCei4 Concat, minify and uglify LESS, JS and HTML files upon file change.