WordPress 3.4 Release Candidate 1: http://t.co/n6JEoXyz
Just posted: WordPress is Nine. Happy Birthday WordPress! http://t.co/eBbg82qZ
Tweetage from @dougal
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/dougal/status/205994668159279104″]
Do you need an idea for #genesiswp plugin? See this: http://t.co/7fSrDX4b
Codiqa - the jQuery Mobile Prototype Builder
Rapid prototyping for jQuery Mobile.
Hell. Yes.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Caching http://t.co/ceoKWju7 (Good overall info for devs)
Portfolio Slideshow Pro 1.6.2 is out—mostly minor bug fixes. Check the changelog here: http://t.co/1GixFjdC
How Web Maps Work - macwright.org
If you ever need to implement a tiled map on your own (a la Google Maps), this article would be a good place to start. It describes all the basics of how the relationship between tile coordinates and lat/long coordinates should be handled, at a high level.
CSS Hat translates layer styles to CSS3 code
Photoshop extension that converts layer styles to CSS3.