Instagram: Lets give this a try. #coke #peach #moblog
Instagram: When the only tool you have is a 2 pound hammer, every problem looks like a 12 inch spike. #homeimprovement #hammertime #moblog
Looking at various ways to manage state in React.
Instagram: Taco Tuesday at Bub-Ba-Q! Pulled pork, pork belly, and brisket. #noms #tacos #tacotuesday #moblog
HTTPS | Varying Vagrant Vagrants
If you have old VVV hosts setup and you get a certificate authority error when you try to access them via SSL, you might need to update VVV, update your site configs, and reprovision them.
Arrington Announces $100M Hedge Fund Based on Ripple
Michael Arrington, Silicon Valley tech leader and founder of TechCrunch, is starting a hedge fund based on the Ripple cryptocurrency. While there have been other funds set up to invest in various digital currencies, this is the first one to actually be denominated in a cryptocurrency, rather than in dollars or euros.
ProTip: wp_query() defaults to post_status=‘publish’.
Unless called from Ajax. Then it adds ‘private’, ‘draft’, ‘future’, and ‘pending’.
— Dougal Campbell ? (@dougal) October 24, 2017
Await and Async Explained with Diagrams and Examples – Nikolay Grozev
“The async/await syntax in JavaScript ES7 makes it easier to coordinate asynchronous promises. If you need to asynchronously fetch data from multiple databases or APIs in a certain order, you can end up with a spaghetti of promises and callbacks. The async/await construct allows us to express such logic more succinctly with more readable and maintainable code.
This tutorial explains JavaScript async/await syntax and semantics with diagrams and simple examples.”
Await and Async Explained with Diagrams and Examples – Nikolay Grozev
Talk Like a Pirate Day 2017
The time is upon us once again, my friends! It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! For bonus points, you can dress like a pirate, too!