Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Monthly Archives: March 2006

links for 2006-04-01

stu nicholls | CSS PLaY | cross browser multi page photo gallery Stu Nichols’ response to the Suckerfish HoverLightbox: a simple CSS-only (no javascript) photo gallery. (tags: css gallery photo image design web webdesign)

links for 2006-03-31

Emil Sit » WordPress ETag bug Geof, Alex, Scot, and I have been looking into this Conditional GET bug, but Emil found the culprit first. (tags: dougal_comments wordpress rss feeds conditionalget bugs)

links for 2006-03-30

Excerpt — Self-Made Man: My Year Disguised As a Man My wife and I have both been interested in reading this book since seeing the author interviewed on tv. (tags: books gender women men culture excerpt society)

links for 2006-03-29

Suckerfish HoverLightbox | Monday By Noon Great mashup of techniques to create a simple but elegant inline photo gallery. (tags: css javascript webdev web design suckerfish images gallery photos) Is there a “user’s manual for grownup life” out there somewhere? | Ask MetaFilter Susan and I just had a talk on this topic recently (again). We’re struggling to get a bunch of little projects completed, let alone some of the big ones that we need … Continue reading

How to revamp Yahoo! Groups?

Jeremy Zawodny has some thoughts about the possible evolution of Yahoo! Groups. There are bits of JotSpot (notable Tracker), WordPress, and Flickr that I think could be sprinkled into Yahoo Groups, not to mention Google Maps and/or Wayfaring, Yahoo! Local, Google Calendar, and a few other things. Jeremy is a sharp guy who keeps his finger close to the pulse of current happenings on the net. Yahoo! would do well to stay open to these … Continue reading

links for 2006-03-28

Mercurial – Mercurial Interesting. Sort of like a peer-to-peer cvs or svn. (tags: sourcecontrol scm programming development tools cvs svn) Videora – BitTorrent RSS Reader Even if you don’t use the downloading utility, they also have a conversion utility that can convert avi and mpeg to the Tivo format. (tags: tivo dvr video bittorrent conversion)

links for 2006-03-25

EarthTools – Find places, sunrise/sunset times, elevation, local time and time zones (tags: geolocation geography maps gis geo webservices gps) A location tagging social network service using Google Maps. Or something like that. (tags: folksonomy tags mapping googlemaps location geography geo geolocation maps service mashup)

links for 2006-03-24

Vertical Centering in CSS Here’s a pretty good technique for vertical centering in CSS. My problem right now is that I can’t get it to play nice with the footerStickAlt technique that nails a footer to the bottom of the page. (tags: css web design webdesign vertical center)

links for 2006-03-23

Nifty Corners Cube – freedom to round The third generation of the Nifty Corners technique. Groovy. (tags: web design css corners round javascript js webdesign) Ironic Sans: Idea: Pre-pixelated clothes for Reality TV shows Clothing with pre-pixelated logos, so that TV producers don’t have to pixelate them in video production. (tags: clothing shirts tshirts pixelated logos fun humor funny) CSS event:Selectors Another nifty javascript library, based on Behaviour. (tags: css javascript dhtml behaviour prototype js … Continue reading

links for 2006-03-18

Pauker – Flash Card Learning This might be good to have around to help our kids study for tests. (tags: flashcards software java education memory) Spark Fun Electronics Cool electronic components for DIY projects (tags: electronics hardware hacks make sensors diy projects gps wireless) the FeedTree weblog :: Archive :: Calcium: feeding the Coral CDN with FeedTree I once suggested to the Slashdot guys that they should do something like this. They could mitigate the … Continue reading