If you haven’t already heard, WordCamp Birmingham is coming up on September 27 & 28, 2008. And for those of you not in the States, that’s Birmingham, Alabama, not England. If you are in, or can travel to, the Southeast U.S., you won’t want to miss the first WordCamp in the Deep South! And besides the great tech stuff at WordCamp, there are other fun events in Birmingham that weekend, too.
Oh, and did I mention that I am one of the Speakers (*gulp*)? I will be speaking on “The Future of WordPress”. This will be the first time I’ve given a presentation of this type, so I’m quite nervous about it. If anyone has any public speaking tips that don’t involve imagining people in their underwear, let me know. Or, if you have any particular points that you think I should address, I’d be interested in hearing those, too. I don’t know that I’ll be able to discuss everything that everyone wants, and I don’t claim to have a crystal ball that tells me any more about the timeline of WordPress features than anyone else. But I have some ideas of what I want to touch on, both in general and in the specific.
If you make it to the event, please feel free to find me and say hi! I’m really looking forward to meeting people and putting faces with names. I also figure I’ll be reconfiguring my blogroll, with a bunch of new XFN ‘met’ links. 🙂 I’m not sure whether or not I’ll be there for the entire event, but I hope to have a better idea once the schedule is filled in, and I have my travel plans finalized.
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