Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Monthly Archives: June 2009

Dougal’s must-have iPhone app list

My brother-in-law, John, recently got an iPhone 3Gs (lucky dog). Knowing that I also had an iPhone (though mine is the older “2G” model), he asked what apps I recommended. I’ve got a ton of apps installed, many of which I never really use, and should probably delete. But here are the ones that I actually find myself launching with some regularity, grouped into rough categories, all free, except where noted: Productivity/Utility Evernote This is … Continue reading

Drupal shop gives props to WordPress

My wife sent me a link by Volacci, a Drupal SEO development shop, giving some nice kudos to WordPress 2.8. Last week the much anticipated new version of WordPress (version 2.8) was released for download. Many webmasters, bloggers and CMS fans alike have come to expect great things out of the seasoned system, so the expectations were high. According to the earliest reports, WordPress 2.8 not only lives up to the hype, it presents some … Continue reading

WordPress 2.8.1 Coming Soon

Right on the heels of version 2.8, we will be seeing a WordPress 2.8.1 release soon. There are several minor bugfixes in so far, mostly dealing with tweaks to plugin and menu management. But the big problem driving a quick update is a bug in the core upgrade feature. It seems that in the case where the upgrade can’t be completed for some reason, the upgrade feature was deleting the wrong files when it attempted … Continue reading

Plugin: Fancybox Gallery 0.3.1

I have updated my Fancybox Gallery plugin to version 0.3.1. Fancybox Gallery will automatically turn your photo galleries generated by the WordPress ‘gallery’ shorttag into a dynamic lightbox. New in version 0.3 is the ability to navigate to the next/previous image while in lightbox mode. Another change is that this version requires jQuery version 1.3.2, and thus you’ll need to be using WordPress 2.8. If you are running an older version of WordPress, but the … Continue reading

WordCamp Organization Advice

I’ve already posted about the WordPress 2.8 release, and there will be plenty of other posts highlighting everybody’s favorite new features when it officially drops, so how about if I talk about something a little different? I’ve been listening to a couple of WordPress podcasts recently (WordPress Weekly and WordCast, in particular), and there had been a lot of buzz about some of the WordCamp gatherings taking place in various locations. In particular, there were … Continue reading

What’s the buzz?

Here’s a quick post, just to let everybody know that I’m still alive. During my long silence here, a lot of things have been happening in the WordPress community. First and foremost is the upcoming WordPress 2.8 release. There are several nifty new features in there. The most notable (for me) are probably: Built-in theme browser/installer Drag-n-drop widget management Syntax highlighting when using theme/plugin editor Image cropping in media uploader New theme functions for author … Continue reading