As of today there are teenagers who were born in the 21st century. In a related story, you are old.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) December 31, 2012
As of today there are teenagers who were born in the 21st century. In a related story, you are old.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) December 31, 2012
Motherfuton brings us more CSS goodies. The xycss framework supports horizontal grids, vertical rhythm, liquid, responsive, web fonts, etc.
I don’t have information overload. I have time underload.
I need more time to learn all the cool stuff I want to learn!
Hoping to release two new @eddwp add-ons today for free, obviously. Follow me on GitHub for updates:
This article about branching in Git is probably the one that helped me understand it the best. It does a really good job of illustrating (literally) the concepts of using branches in git to manage your stable, development, and experimental code, without losing your sanity.
As the end of my current contract job comes near, I’ve begun putting out feelers for a new job. Looking over some of the descriptions and skill requirements for job openings, I see a pretty common thread: big companies are (still) asking for Java and .NET programmers, while smaller firms tend to look for developers using PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, etc. This got me thinking about “Enterprise” platforms, and so I posed a question … Continue reading
AWS (Amazon Web Services) SDK for node.js? Yes please! Official npm module for working with AWS in node.
Even if you don’t have a few dollars to spare, you can still show a little love to your favorite developers. For free! Continue reading
Tired of doing crazy calculations and adding unneeded wrapper divs to keep your web layouts from falling apart? You might want to try using ‘box-sizing’ to declare an alternate box model. Lets you keep padding ‘inside’ your declared container width, instead of adding to the overall width. It even works in IE8+!
Comparing WordPress Membership Plugins