This article about branching in Git is probably the one that helped me understand it the best. It does a really good job of illustrating (literally) the concepts of using branches in git to manage your stable, development, and experimental code, without losing your sanity.
Blog Archives
AWS SDK for Node.js - AWS SDK for Node.js
AWS (Amazon Web Services) SDK for node.js? Yes please! Official npm module for working with AWS in node.
Box Sizing | CSS-Tricks
Tired of doing crazy calculations and adding unneeded wrapper divs to keep your web layouts from falling apart? You might want to try using ‘box-sizing’ to declare an alternate box model. Lets you keep padding ‘inside’ your declared container width, instead of adding to the overall width. It even works in IE8+!
Comparing WordPress Membership Plugins
Unicode, Hexadecimal, Decimal NCR, UTF-8 Converter -- EndMemo
Found this web-based Unicode conversion utility when I needed to get the escaped hexadecimal version of a foreign language string.
Unicode, Hexadecimal, Decimal NCR, UTF-8 Converter — EndMemo
Pursuing a Legendary Gumbo -
This article made me miss my Granny’s gumbo. I didn’t appreciate it enough as a kid, and didn’t get to eat enough of it as an adult. I might have to cook up a batch, myself. I’ll have to ask my mom for a family recipe…
CSS Ellipsis: How to Manage Multi-Line Ellipsis in Pure CSS | Mobify
A pure CSS solution to truncating text in a container, with the ability to overlay an ellipsis and even a “read more” link. The only caveat is that you must maintain vertical rhythm in your text.
CSS Ellipsis: How to Manage Multi-Line Ellipsis in Pure CSS | Mobify
Twitter’s JavaScript templating library, based on moustache “only much, much faster”.
SuperAgent - Ajax with less suck
This JavaScript library for handling AJAX looks pretty sweet. Nice API, and seems to handle just about any situation you could think of. Works both on client-side (browsers) and server-side (node.js).
Garlic.js stores form values locally, so your users never lose any precious data by @harrisonweber