Jamie and Claire are going to be Sam Flynn and Cora (from Tron: Legacy) for Halloween this year. We’re trimming their costumes with electroluminescent wire, which should get some attention. I’ll be posting plenty of photos, I’m sure! (for anyone interested, we got the EL wire from Amazon.com)
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Tweetage from @dougal
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Server updates
I got all of my VPS servers updated to the latest version of Ubuntu (11.04) the other day, and fixed the MailScanner spam filter on my mail server. Whew!
As an added bonus, my web server is also running the newest versions of Apache, PHP, and APC.
Server fun
Tried upgrading Ubuntu on my mail server. Broke MailScanner config. Had to scramble to figure out how to reconfig postfix to deliver mail directly, instead of holding it for MailScanner to pick up. I really need to find a way to migrate away from doing my own email admin.
Tweetage May 10, 2011 at 03:52PM
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/dougal/status/67980309316120576″]
Plugin conflict
Tracked down and reported a conflict with the WPTouch plugin that affected Formattd’s mobile post format setting feature.