Dougal Campbell's geek ramblings

WordPress, web development, and world domination.

Webbed Toes

After my previous comment about my webbed toes, several people have found my site while searching for pictures of webbed toes. I aim to please, so I’m hoping to get some pictures of my feet up on the site over the weekend.

Mutants of the world, unite!

I’ve created some forums for discussing webbed toes. Hopefully, this will be easier to manage than a bunch of comments on my blog posts.

Rabbit, rabbit!

This is a new one on me, but suddenly I’m seeing it everywhere. Apparently, there’s a tradition that some people follow of saying “rabbit, rabbit”, or alternately “white rabbit”, on the first day of each month.

Anybody out there ever heard of this before?

New Host Update

If you visited this site on the latter half of Sunday July 21, you might have been a little confused. While moving all my domains to a new host, I accidentally copied my War on Spam database over my personal blog data. I discovered the error late in the evening and restored the proper data.

I think almost everything is working properly now, so hopefully nobody noticed any major glitches other than the one mentioned above.

Food on the Fourth

I hope everyone had a good Independence Day weekend. We grilled a lot of good food. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwursts on Thursday; Corn and BBQ ribs on Friday. Along with homemade potato salad, deviled eggs, garden-grown tomatos, and other goodies, we had lots of good eatin’!

Our fireworks were pretty much limited to sparklers. We had some bigger stuff, but when we fired one off, it was too loud, and we were concerned about bugging the neighbors. We watched Pops Goes the Fourth on television. What a fireworks show! We’re going to have to go see that in person one of these years….

What a Drag

Remember that boring project I mentioned about a month ago? I’m still working on it. And it’s still boring.

I keep working on it and working on it, and sometimes it feels like nothing is getting done. Things are getting done, of course, but it’s all black-box, in-the-background kind of stuff that you can’t really see.

Oh well. I now return you to your regularly scheduled web browsing while I return to my state of program hypnosis….

KLEZ Redux

A friend of mine asked me how I filter KLEZ in my Outlook mail client. I have two rules for this, and they look like so:

  Apply this rule after the message arrives
  with Content-Type: audio/x-midi; in the message header
    and which has an attachment
  delete it

The second rule is the same, except the content type is “audio/x-wav
instead of “audio/x-midi“. You also might want to use the “permanently
” action instead of the regular delete. I’d also advise that you
turn off the Preview Pane for your Deleted Items folder.

And of course the most important thing you should do is to run some
antivirus software, keep it up-to-date, and also keep your Windows system patched.